Welcome, international student! TOUR PXL EDUCATION - VIDEO Webmail TimeTable Digital platforms Office 365 Blackboard ACADEMIC PLANNER - PDF COURES Who is who in team internationalisation? Pre – primary education Jochen Didden ✉️ jochen.didden@pxl.be Primary education Catherine RODEN ✉️ catherine.roden@pxl.be Secondary education Anniek Orye (coordinator) / Jos Evens ✉️ anniek.orye@pxl.be ✉️ jos.evens@pxl.be COURES Who is who in the department of PXL-Education? Dean PXL-Education Michelle DEwulf Vice dean // Pre – primary education Alida Pierards ✉️ alida.pierards@pxl.be Vice dean // Primary education Ans Hubert ✉️ ans.hubert@pxl.be Vice dean // Secondary education CORRY HERMANS ✉️ corry.hermans@pxl.be